Publishing malpractice – time for
universities to act
operate rigid systems for vetting the quality and costing of research which is
conducted under their auspices.
Likewise, they insist that this research adheres to the highest ethical
standards and establish ethics committees to review relevant proposals. However, universities do not operate systems
for vetting the probity of research outputs.
We argue that they should.
As the webpages
of the Committee on Publication Ethics demonstrate, publishing malpractice continues.
Issues of inappropriate authorship and academic fraud are evident with one of
the main problems being similarity between manuscripts. Of course, some of this
is due to better means of detection by journals as part of the submission
process, leading to the detection of plagiarism and duplication. Furthermore,
similarity does not, automatically, mean either plagiarism or duplication, but
extensive similarity sometimes leads to the detection and subsequent admission
of malpractice. These instances are potentially disastrous for the author’s
career—but such conduct may also reflect on the institution—and in today’s
world of trial by media, university’s may want to think about protecting their
Universities do
provide systems for similarity detection for students and provide copious and
specific guidance and threats regarding malpractice. It is a reasonably safe assumption that
academics understand the issues at stake, but a decreasingly safe assumption that
academics always adhere to the highest ethical publishing standards.
The main
responsibility for avoiding malpractice rests with authors and the vast
majority are good citizens. The main
responsibility for detection lies with publishers, who also have a responsibility
to inform authors about good practice and to administer systems for similarity detection
and to have systems for reporting the outcome of malpractice which can include
retraction of published papers. However,
is this sufficient and should universities and other public and commercial
bodies from which publications emanate not take a more active role?
It is hard to
understand, in an age of research assessment—essentially a system of
publication assessment—that universities are so rigorous about the inputs to
research: proposals; funding; and ethics, while virtually ignoring the quality
of the outputs or establishing processes whereby the integrity of publications
are vetted. Dissenters will complain
about an additional tier of scrutiny; publications are already peer reviewed,
why add a pre-review process? However,
the same applies to research proposals which are refereed externally to the
university but for which most universities provide for pre-submission review as
an obligatory step to accepting and administering the funding. Furthermore,
peer review cannot, usually, address issues such as authorship, fraud or even
What steps could
be instituted to improve the probity of research outputs by universities? The very least that universities should
insist on is that, prior to submission to a journal, there should be scrutiny for
similarity; this will help to avoid plagiarism and duplication. All publications should be read by a cognate
colleague, simply to help improve the quality of the writing but also to see if
any insights into the necessity for and originality of the paper can be
gleaned; this may also uncover some aspects of academic fraud such as data
fabrication, and where co-authors inside and outside the university are involved,
then statements of agreement to the contents of the final submitted version
should be obtained and filed. Given that
none of this happens—to our knowledge—at the moment in any university then it
represents a start; at the very least it may deter potential wrongdoers from
doing wrong; on the whole it will help people who have little experience of
publishing and may make genuine mistakes.
Another growing
area of publishing malpractice is authorship. Universities could play an
important role in checking that all authors on a paper merit being there. There
are clear guidelines as to what constitutes authorship in journal guidelines; these
should be checked by the institution. An additional measure would be the
development of institutional publishing codes of practice. Some universities do
this and it should be more widespread. It can help deal with the issues of PhD
supervisory input on publications, guest authorship by senior faculty and also
the order of authorship.
Data management
processes, including the deposition of data with databanks and journals for
scrutiny by referees and future researchers, should help reduce fraudulence and
fabrication of data. These are not new
but they are becoming more common and will soon be obligatory.
We enter the
public domain when things go wrong, such as ‘Climategate’ when University of East Anglia academics were accused of
manipulating data. How much more often
will this happen as research outputs become more freely available and the
impact of research comes under increasing scrutiny? Procedures for ensuring that academics are
honest in their publications should help to keep us in the public eye for the
right reasons.
Roger Watson and Mark Hayter are Editors of
Journal of Advanced Nursing, both are
Professors at the University
of Hull .
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